# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Post Collection # --------------------------------------------------------------- - name: post label: 🧑🏽‍💻 Posts label_singular: 🧑🏽‍💻 Post description: "blogpost" folder: "src/content/post" slug: "{{year}}/{{month}}/{{day}}_{{slug}}" preview_path: /post/{{title}}/ create: true delete: true editor: preview: false summary: "{{title}} {{url.parent}} date:{{created}} {{card.image}} " sortable_fields: ["title", "order", "created"] view_filters: - label: Drafts field: eleventyExcludeFromCollections pattern: true view_groups: - label: Tag field: tags - label: created field: created pattern: "([0-9]+(-[0-9]+)+)" - label: Drafts field: eleventyExcludeFromCollections nested: depth: 5 # max depth to show in the collection tree summary: "{{title}}" fields: - label: "title" name: "title" widget: "string" required: true - label: "📷 image" name: "image" widget: "image" default: /content/upload/default.png choose_url: true required: false hint: image media_library: config: multiple: true media_folder: "src/content/upload/" - label: "👩‍💻 Body" name: "body" widget: "markdown" buttons: - link - bold - italic - code - heading-two - heading-three - code - quote - bulleted-list editor_components: - image - video - liquidcodeblock - code-block required: false hint: help text - name: card label: 🃏 Card widget: object collapsed: true summary: "Title: '{{fields.title}}' | Image: {{fields.image}} | Text: '{{fields.text}}'" fields: - { label: "title", name: "title", widget: "string", required: false } - { label: "Image", name: "image", widget: "image", required: false, choose_url: true } - { label: "Text", name: "text", widget: "text", required: false } - name: tags label: 🏷 Tags widget: relation collection: tags searchFields: [title] valueField: "{{slug}}" display_fields: ["title"] required: false multiple: true hint: "Tags used for collections" - label: "🕒 created" name: "created" widget: "datetime" date_format: "DD.MM.YYYY" time_format: "HH:mm" format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" picker_utc: true - name: "authors" label: "authors" widget: relation collection: author searchFields: [title] valueField: "{{slug}}" display_fields: ["title"] required: false multiple: true hint: Who wrote this - label: "order" name: "order" widget: "number" default: 1 required: false hint: "optional order" value_type: int min: 1 max: 200 step: 1 - label: "Collection Hide" name: "eleventyExcludeFromCollections" widget: "boolean" default: false required: false hint: Hide from collections - name: opengraph label: 👋 Opengraph widget: object collapsed: true summary: "Title: '{{fields.title}}' | Image: {{fields.image}} | Description: '{{fields.description}}'" fields: - { label: "Image", name: "image", widget: "image", required: false, choose_url: true } - { label: "Title", name: "title", widget: "string", required: false, hint: 'Opengraph Card title' } - { label: "Description", name: "description", widget: "text", required: false } - label: "url" name: "url" widget: "string" required: false hint: Overwrite the title generated url - name: seo label: 🔍 SEO widget: object collapsed: true summary: " Title: '{{fields.title}}' | Description: '{{fields.content}}' | Robots: {{fields.index}}, {{fields.follow}} " fields: - { label: "title", name: "title", widget: "string", required: false, hint: 'seo title not above 65 characters' } - { label: "Meta Description", name: "description", widget: "text", required: false, hint: "Keep it between 70 - 155 characters" } - label: "Show this page in search Engines" name: "index" widget: "select" default: "index" required: false options: - { label: "Yes", value: "index" } - { label: "No dont show", value: "noindex" } - label: "Search Engines follow the links" name: "follow" widget: "select" default: "nofollow" required: false options: - { label: "Yes", value: "follow" } - { label: "No", value: "nofollow" } - name: "layout" label: "💅 Select Template" widget: relation collection: posttemplates searchFields: [saga-template-name] valueField: "post/{{filename}}.{{extension}}" displayFields: ["saga-template-name", " (File: layouts/post/{{filename}}.{{extension}})"] required: true default: post/post.liquid